Thursday, June 01, 2006

It seems to be warming up...

Well it's not surprising, is it? First of June and it jolly well should be - though listening to dear old David Attenborough earlier tonight it seemd that in fifty years' timewe'll all be fried anyway. I do sometimes wonder if this is the latest media 'thing' - a while ago it was tsunamis, before that earthquakes, before that world-killing meteors - and it's always easy to find people who say what you want them to say when you have your hand on the edit button. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I went walking in Malvern with my son and I loved it. The man in the train station let me use the toilet before I began my walk. When I returned the next day for my second day of walking, the witch who was behind the counter said that I couln't use it unless I bought a ticket to go somewhere. Then some old man (who didn't seem to be going anywhere, just standing about reading a newspaper) joined in and they were both making me feel really embarrassed and unwelcome. It was a Sunday morning in February and the station was deserted, it's not like there was anyone else around waiting to use the toilet! They told me that I had to walk up the hill and use the toilet near the shops!! Did they think I was going to disconnect the pipes and steal their toilet or what? My son who is 18 went in shortly after and she let him use it no problem. Could it be that I, being of Jamaican origin, didn't have a face that fit, whilst my son, (who's father is white) had a more pleasing appearance. If anyone reading this knows the witch who works behind the counter in the station, maybe a quiet word about prejudging people wouldn't go amiss. I'm a police officer in London, and so I was hardly likely to get up to any mischief in your station toilets. If I hadn't had such a lovely time and warm reception at the Bristol factory it would've put me off Malvern for life! Any replies to this via my email,

Steve D said...

Well I can only apologise on her behalf. It does seem that some people have a 'jobsworth' attitiude that's frankly uncalled for. Please don't let this put you off coming to Malvern - we do have some reasonable people living here!