Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Will it ever stop?

I think summer has deserted us this year if this endless rain is anything to go by. You get the feeling that most of the Malverns are going to slide of the bare granite and end up as a huge mud lake somewhere in Colwall - in fact we did have a small mud slide a couple of years back. Never heard of before, it must all tie in with global warming though the present temperature doesn't exactly back this up. All I can see from here is shining wet roofs and the hills have yet again hidden themselves under a mist blanket. Did I go to sleep last night and wake up in November by mistake? You tell me.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday 21st. May 06

As I'm sure you're aware(if you live anywhere in the UK Midlands), it rained all damned morning. This wasn't too bad as I hadn't intended going out but it was so bad I couldn't even see the hills. Not all was lost - the sun came out in the afternoon a least. I guess that this is a fairly mundane topic but I thought I'd start with something non-commital. I'll try to be more interesting next post!v