Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday 21st. May 06

As I'm sure you're aware(if you live anywhere in the UK Midlands), it rained all damned morning. This wasn't too bad as I hadn't intended going out but it was so bad I couldn't even see the hills. Not all was lost - the sun came out in the afternoon a least. I guess that this is a fairly mundane topic but I thought I'd start with something non-commital. I'll try to be more interesting next post!v

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your navigation article /advice. Doing some serious revision due to assessment coming up: a lot of rust seems to have accumalated on my compass - your advice reminded me of many things I'd forgotten. I'm also determined to come down and walk in the Cotswolds - it seems I've missed out. Thanks again.